
Botswana·Bo-Hua Enterpries Co.,Ltd.


Company Profile

BOHUA (PTY) LTD. is based in Republic of Botswana -- one of the rapid economic developing and better financial situation countries in Africa. The national territory area is around 580,000km2 and desert covers most of its land surface. It has a population of more than 2 millions . In this tropical, arid and steppe climate, the major industries are diamond, graziery and emerging manufacturing. While, the official language of Botswana is English.

BOHUA (PTY) LTD., with a occupied area of 11800m2, was established in 1990s and located in the capital of Botswana--Gaborone. The company, which is engaged in building construction and achieved the highest qualification grade(E grade) for civil contractors in 2004, is competent to undertake housing construction, municipal construction, road, port and other constructions.

BO-HUA has undertaken numbers of significant projects and landmarking-buildings, such as GH Group building(in 2008, the highest office building in Botswana), Office building of Attorney General’s Chambers( in 2010), 108 units of High-grade Housing Project(in 2011), Multi-function Building BOTHO University(in 2014) and etc.


木里| 阜阳市| 石河子市| 隆回县| 鄱阳县| 卓资县| 汤原县| 桂阳县| 托里县| 九龙县| 集安市| 陵川县| 佛坪县| 日土县| 土默特左旗| 甘孜| 商丘市| 化隆| 正定县| 白沙| 蛟河市| 凤山市| 崇仁县| 潮安县| 郧西县| 屏东市| 绥棱县| 达日县| 五原县| 双峰县| 静安区| 甘洛县| 巴彦县| 北川| 余庆县| 滨海县| 朔州市| 冕宁县| 漯河市| 琼结县| 丽水市|